What the new iOS 11.3 will bring

January 25, 2018

Saudi Gazette

The upcoming iOS 11.3 that will be launched this spring promises exciting new features to the iPhone.

Some of the features include:


The new upgrade includes ARKit 1.5 that are compatible with augmented reality apps, creating more immersive experiences.

New Animoji

Four new Animojis will be introduced to iPhone X. A bear, a dragon, skull, and lion will join the list of 16 animated characters.

Battery performance

Users will be supposedly able to take more control of how their battery is consumed. By being able to check the battery health statistics, users can manage it by turning off the throttling feature.

However, in response to users’ complaints about iPhone’s battery ages, Apple is planning to offer a $29 replacement battery this year.

Health records at the palm of your hand

Apple is renovating the health app by allowing users to add health records from hospitals and clinics to their phone. All medical data can be grouped together and enable notifications of lab results and medications.

Business Chat

This feature allows consumers to communicate with businesses via messaging. A list of businesses have supported the app, including Hilton, Lowe’s and Discover. Business Chat aims to allow users to chat with a service representative. It’s still not determined if and how this feature will be applied in Saudi Arabia.

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