Saudi Arabia joins global leaders at Seoul summit to advance AI safety and innovation

May 24, 2024

Saudi Gazette report

— At the recent AI Seoul Summit, organized by the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom on May 21 and 22, Saudi Arabia, represented by Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, President of the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA), collaborated with 26 other nations to underscore the critical role of international cooperation in artificial intelligence (AI) safety. The summit emphasized the importance of adhering to collaborative protocols in AI safety tests and assessment guidelines, while also fostering innovation and inclusivity.

The participating countries released a joint statement at the summit's conclusion, which articulated a shared commitment to leveraging AI for the public sector's benefit and providing resources to support small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, and academic institutions in accessing AI technology. The statement also highlighted the potential of AI to address major global challenges such as climate change, global health, and food and energy security.

Moreover, the statement acknowledged the need to manage significant risks associated with AI development. It emphasized the countries' dedication to assessing these risks to ensure the responsible proliferation of leading-edge AI technologies.

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