
Israeli occupation kills 28 Palestinians, injures 69 others in Gaza

May 11, 2024

RAMALLAH — Health authorities in the Gaza Strip announced on Saturday the death of 28 Palestinians and the injury of 69 others during the past 24 hours in the latest ongoing Israeli occupation massacres in Gaza.

The health authorities said in a statement that the number of martyrs since the beginning of the Israeliآ occupation aggression against the Gaza Strip since October 7, has risen to 34,971 martyrs and 78,641 injured.

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation forces continued to close the Rafah land crossing with Egypt and the only commercial Karm Abu Salem crossing in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that Israeli occupation forces continued to close the Rafah crossing for the fifth day in a row, which led to a complete halt to the movement of passengers, mainly the sick and wounded, and the entry of humanitarian aid. — Agencies

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