16 citizens arrested for hunting in prohibited places

October 08, 2022
The Special Forces for Environmental Security have arrested 16 citizens for entering a protected area without holding a permit and hunting in prohibited places.
The Special Forces for Environmental Security have arrested 16 citizens for entering a protected area without holding a permit and hunting in prohibited places.

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — The Special Forces for Environmental Security have arrested 16 citizens for entering a protected area without holding a permit and hunting in prohibited places.

The Special Forces revealed the prohibited places where the citizens were hunting in were the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Royal Reserve and the Imam Abdulaziz Bin Mohammad Royal Reserve.

The citizens were carrying 6 shotguns; 11 air rifles; 4,870 rounds of ammunition; and 74 hunting birds for hunting.

The forces confirmed that they seized what was in the possession of the citizens, and also applied the legal procedures against them.

The penalty for the two violations of entering nature reserves without issuing a permit, and hunting in prohibited places is a fine of SR5,000, spokesman for the Special Forces for Environmental Security, Col. Abdulrahman Al-Otaibi, confirmed.

He also indicated that the penalty for using shotguns, nets and traps is a fine of SR100,000.

Al-Otaibi urged everyone, if they see any cases that represent an attack on the environment or wildlife, to report it on the number: 911 — in the regions of Makkah, Riyadh and Eastern region; and on the number: 999 and 996 — in the rest of Saudi Arabia's regions.

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