‘Roads of Arabia’ in Rome attracts record 6,500 visitors in one day

December 04, 2019

RIYADH — The exhibition, ‘Roads of Arabia: Masterpieces of Antiquities in Saudi Arabia’, held in Rome, attracted a record number of 6,560 visitors in one day, marking the second highest attendance at museums in Italy.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Culture, AbdulKarim Al-Humaid, explained that the exhibition drew the Italian public’s interest right from its opening, leading to the record number of visitors.

Al-Humaid pointed out that the ‘Masterpieces of the Kingdom's Antiquities’ represented an exceptional opportunity to introduce millions of visitors to the civilizations of the Kingdom and the Arabian Peninsula, along with their valuable archaeological treasures dating back to thousands of years.

The exhibits embody the historical depth and cultural diversity of the Kingdom, and its cultural heritage that influenced the surrounding world, contributing to human history and strengthening of human relations, Al-Humaid added.

The exhibition, ‘Routes of Trade in the Arabian Peninsula — Masterpieces of the Effects of Saudi Arabia Through the Ages’, launched on Nov. 26 2019 in Rome, is set to run for three months.

It includes more than 326 rare artifacts, covering the periods from the paleolithic (Ancient Stone Age) until the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. — SG

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