
The Sweden peace talks

December 20, 2018
The Sweden peace talks

Ali Al-Asmari


ALL eyes were on Sweden to follow up the negotiations between the legitimate Yemen government and the outlaw Houthi militia. Saudi Arabia supported these talks to ensure its success.

A tinge of frustration was visible in the eyes of the Houthi delegates to the opening session of these talks because of the continuous defeats they suffered at the hands of the legitimate Yemeni army. The Houthis were worried that if they would not reach a peaceful solution to save their dignity to end their coup and exit from a situation that they have put themselves in.

They knew that if these talks failed, it meant the end of the Houthi militias. This was visible during the talks where the Houthi delegates were issuing positive statements through social media searching for peace. They were ready to offer more concessions now unlike during previous negotiations. This was evident as they were ready to withdraw from Hodeida and its seaport within a specific period.

In the past, the talk of withdrawal from Hodeida was a red line for the Houthis because it was the main supply line of Iranian support for them.

We know for sure that the Houthis would not have offered these concessions unless the Yemeni people, who have been seething in a living hell since the start of this conflict, ran out of their patience. The Yemeni people have been living on the brink of starvation, intimidation and massacre.

Since there is hope for a peaceful solution in Yemen, the Houthis need to realize that they have a historical chance for opening a new page with the Yemeni people and the international community and to cooperate with the legitimate government to restore Yemen to its previous glory.

Lastly, since the goals of the intervention in Yemen were achieved — to block Iran from realizing its ambitions in Yemen, to secure the Kingdom's southern border and to allow the legitimate government of Yemen to return to the capital city of Sanaa, the Yemeni army and the coalition forces should monitor closely the withdrawal of the Houthi forces from all locations they have occupied. They must hand over their weapons to the legitimate government and put an end to the mutiny. Otherwise, the military option is still available and this time, we will not listen to the demands of some countries and organizations with regional ambitions. Apparently, what was taken by force cannot be returned without the use of force.

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