
Saudi-American relations: Inseparable, stronger than ever

December 17, 2018
Saudi-American relations: Inseparable, stronger than ever

Alan Alda

Over and over again, the United States has proved its unconditional and unshakable support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a unity that goes back in time for almost a century. The US has stood by its strongest ally, Saudi Arabia, since day one - not letting any incident stand in the way. Many have wished to see that special relation weaken, dwindle or fade away. But the leadership in both countries has remained steadfast and persevered out of conviction that a strong Saudi-American relationship is essential and a must for the prosperity and stability of the whole region.

Today, Saudi Arabia takes pride in being the cornerstone of development, progress and empowerment of the entire region, and Arab countries in particular, to be at the forefront of nations as declared and stated by the Kingdom’s leaders. In the last few years, Saudi Arabia has witnessed a great deal of reform on all levels initiated by its current leadership, represented by Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman and under the direction, guidance and auspices of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz.

The Saudi leadership has presented a clear vision for the near future and has taken every step to assure the transition to a futuristic society by embarking on giant projects like mega economic cities, revamping the infrastructure of the whole country and paying special attention to the sectors of health and education. The current leadership enjoys an unprecedented level of support in the history of Saudi Arabia. All segments of the population present their total support, allegiance and trust to their leadership that has presented an ambitious Vision 2030 and NEOM Project that will reap fruit in the very near future.

Saudi Arabia and the United States have a special relationship. It began in 1933 when full diplomatic relations were established. Since World War II, the two countries have been allied in opposition to Communism and in support of the stability of oil prices, oil fields and oil shipping in the Arabian Gulf. This has led to the prosperity and stability of the economies of Western countries, where Saudi Arabia has invested great sums of capital and revenue.

Recent American presidential administrations have emphasized the crucial role that Saudi Arabia plays in helping the United States reach its security objectives. American President Donald Trump has reassured his support for Saudi Arabia and its leadership in unambiguous terms. During the administration of President Trump, the two countries have enjoyed some of the closest and warmest times in a relationship based on mutual respect and cooperation.

Saudi Arabia has proved over and over again to be one of the closest, most cooperative and most loyal American allies. The Kingdom’s role in preserving the peace and stability of the region has been indispensable, since it was founded by the Founding Father and King of Saudi Arabia, the late King Abdulaziz.

Defense and security

Today, the United States and Saudi Arabia continue to share a complex security relationship that includes both militarily strategic and economic elements. For example, the two countries still adhere to the United States Military Training Mission (USMTM) of 1953 designed to protect the “common interests of the United States and Saudi Arabia while strengthening their strategic partnership.”

The United States remains committed to providing the Saudi Armed Forces with the equipment, training, and support necessary to protect Saudi Arabia, and the region, from the destabilizing effects of terrorism, and other threats. The United States continues to collaborate with Saudi Arabia to improve training for special operations and counterterrorism forces, integrate air and missile defense systems, strengthen cyber defenses, and bolster maritime security.

Saudi-American economic cooperation

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America have a longstanding relationship dating back to the 1930s, when American businessmen first traveled to the Kingdom to help develop the country’s natural resources. Today, the Saudi-US relationship is stronger than ever. On issues of national security and economic opportunity, the Saudi-US relationship is vital. The Kingdom remains one of America’s closest allies and strongest economic partners in the Middle East.

Business opportunities

Common economic, security and geopolitical interests maintain the strong ties between the two countries for the foreseeable future. Saudi government officials and businessmen have deep ties to the United States. Several Saudi ministers have degrees from US universities.

As the Kingdom’s economy expanded over the past decade and its stock market opened to investors in 2015, many US and European banks are expanding operations in Saudi Arabia. Bank of America has been preparing for the Saudi market opening for years, and Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse have shifted staff from Dubai to Riyadh.

Economically, the United States signed a trade agreement with Saudi Arabia in 2003 designed to “enhance the historical bonds of friendship and spirit of cooperation between the two countries” and “develop further both countries’ international trade and economic interrelationship.” Through both military and economic cooperation, the United States and Saudi Arabia are critical to each other’s security strategies.

Saudi-American cultural and educational ties

Today, there are about 125,000 Saudi students in the US including those on scholarship and others studying at their own expense, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

Saudis have been studying in the United States for decades, overseen by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, as part of the government’s plan, now under Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman, to ensure that Saudis have the skills to help the economy when they return home. King Salman emphasized the importance of the education of citizens when he visited the United States in 2015 and met with a group of Saudi students studying there.

— Professor Alan Alda is an American Media and Strategic Adviser. He has published articles for Saudi and international media about Arab-American relations and has appeared as an expert on the Middle East on American TV networks. Contact him at: doctoralanalda@gmail.com

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