
Moznah: Set free by Vision 2030

May 25, 2018
Moznah: Set free by Vision 2030

Abdul Hadi Al-Saadi

Al-Riyadh newspaper

“I want to scream, cry and shout. There is no love anymore. Some of my clothes also do not fit. I feel choked as I cannot get rid of this issue because if I do I will be violating the rules and traditions of my tribe and will be viewed as if I were challenging and disobeying my mother and father. I cannot violate the norms of our tribe and I cannot disobey anyone because my husband beats me. If my daughter comes to my rescue, he beats her too. He hits us both then leaves home as if nothing has happened. My ten-year-old daughter continues to suffer and I try to calm her down.

“Despite all the sacrifices I have made for my husband and life partner, he has not shown me any gratitude or appreciation. When he was poor, he had a beat-up car and no money. We just got by in life, but I never complained. On the contrary, I was patient. However, when he became rich, he did not treat me well. I filed for divorce but he took the divorce certificate from me. I begged him to give it to me but he refused. Companies refused to hire me because I did not have the divorce certificate. I was completely desperate and tired. I had to beg for money and go to charities for help.”

This is the story of a Saudi woman named Moznah. The above are her words. She almost caved in and decided to surrender and accept life as it was, but suddenly Saudi Vision 2030 was announced and that ended all bureaucratic measures and freed women from the oppression of sick men. Many Saudi women have hailed Vision 2030.

Today Moznah works as a cashier at a supermarket. She learned the job quickly and has mastered all the necessary skills. She double-checks everything to make sure that there are no mistakes and does not allow people to wait too long in line. Moznah works hard. She is about to get a driving license. Her dream to drive is about to come true. Vision 2030 has introduced sweeping changes all over the country. Moznah today feels uplifted and hopeful for the future.

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