
Thank you expatriate workers

March 10, 2018
Thank you expatriate workers

Nasir Abdullah Alhumaidhi

Al-Riyadh newspaper

SADNESS is what fills my heart when I read an offensive and irrational comment about expatriate workers, who live among us, share meals with us, build our buildings, contribute in raising our economy and help us evolve and stand on our feet to be a strong country. Their sweat, blood and tears are in everything around us, including the streets, pavements, buildings and walls.

I feel sad and sorry to know that there are people who do not realize what they are saying and whom they are speaking to. I feel that way because they do not have any sense of gratitude. We Saudis are known for our gratitude, generosity and nobility. We appreciate whoever does good to us and stand against those who intend evil to us, regardless of whether they are within or without our borders. This minority of ungrateful people do not represent our country and society.

The message we want to communicate to expatriate workers is one of sincere gratitude and appreciation. We are here for them and they are here for us, hand in hand to reach for the sky. We are very thankful for their efforts and they will always be on the page of honor in large and bold font.

“We will not forget your help, or our expatriate tutors, employees, engineers, drivers and doctors. We will not deny the experiences that our generations have gained from you. With you, we have accomplished and achieved milestones that we were looking to achieve. Thank you once more for your sincerity, effort and commitment.”

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