
Stop the spiral of fake news

February 23, 2018
Stop the spiral of fake news

Muhammed Al-Ghamri

Al Watan newspaper

We live in an era of fake news and people who spread false information to agitate the masses and serve their own selfish interests. Such demagogues will express their opinions using false facts with complete disregard for their actions. They can ruin society by planting false ideas in the minds of people and turning them against one another.

Unfortunately, such people are given a platform to speak by certain corrupt elements in the media. If asked about the source of their information, they are unable to provide a convincing answer. The reality is that such people have no respect or credibility at home or in the work place and the only place where they are heard is in the corrupt media.

Such people have their own audience, which is willing to obey whatever is asked of them. The audience is fed false facts and they begin to view themselves as victims who are being oppressed. Fear and coercion result in these followers unwittingly losing hope in everyone except the person feeding them these lies.

Something must be done to free these vulnerable minds. They are trapped by false facts that are written by skillful writers who have the ability to make coal appear as gold. In all honesty, such minds are vulnerable because they are guided by laziness and dependency which makes them follow anything they read on the web because they cannot be bothered to check the accuracy of the information. They want to achieve goals without working hard for them and this is the heart of the problem.

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