
Saudi Arabia in colors!

October 22, 2017
Saudi Arabia in colors!

Hussein Shobokshi

I MET by sheer coincidence in one of the lounges at a Saudi airport, a few days ago, a businessman whom I had not met for a long time, and sitting with us were a well-known preacher and a young man. During our discussions, we talked about the fast and joyful decisions and developments Saudi Arabia has been witnessing recently. Out talks also reflected the expressions of wonder and surprise of what had happened and is happening and the tremendous reactions to it.

As the talks progressed, someone asked, do you not fear change? I said to him, is it a change or a reform of a path? Saudi Arabia has molded itself into a society restricted to black and white shades without acknowledging that living societies have different degrees of rich colors depending on their ability to accept and build on the richness of diversity. There are those who fear of even imagining it, because they want to see everyone in same shade and therefore consider anything different hostile to them.

The new world societies from America to Singapore have realized that their true soft power is entirely generated by exploiting their rich and varied human resources. This is the idea that the great Singaporean leader, who steered the country›s transition to the ranks of the first world countries, had and implemented with exceptional excellence.

Saudi Arabia, with its recent decision, is correcting a path that has delayed the march of progress and brought on many complex issues that have generated a tense atmosphere where many side issues have stemmed development and skewed priorities. What is happening now is the maturity and awareness of the community realized by the wise men in the country. They have decided to move forward and expand the circle to accommodate everyone with an inclusive approach. It has come out of a troublesome era in which the society was divided into categories, and the vocabulary of conviction and intimidation began with labels of «liberalism», «secularism», «Westernization» and other preposterous charges.

Today, Saudi Arabia has chosen a path for the future with a strong focus on change. It has turned completely yesterday›s page and it is leaving behind wasteful attitudes and need of tilts at the windmills. This is what should be the conclusion of what Saudi Arabia is witnessing today the real openness to itself and to the world.

Today, Saudi Arabia is rich «in color» and not poor in black and white shades. It was confined to yesterday’s mold with limits to the ambitions of its people. Societies cannot remain static; they evolve and face the challenge of modernity with confidence. Not everyone who adapts to modernity consider throwing out their heritage and values as it was promoted earlier by misguided elements, and this mischief does not exist.

It was an interesting, healthy and respectful dialogue without any rancor or acrimony and without any doubt. From the lounge, each went to his destination with, I think, being more assured, joyous and hopeful for the future of the country. Once governments and states succeed, their people will be able to move mountains later.

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