‘Hurricane’ Trump!

‘Hurricane’ Trump!

February 06, 2017
Hussein Shobokshi
Hussein Shobokshi

Hussein Shobokshi

THE United States is known for its unique seasonal hurricanes, generally named after men and women in alphabetical order, which hit the east coast each summer. Vivid memories of the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrina a few years ago are still fresh in everyone’s minds.

Today the world is witnessing another hurricane; let us call it “Hurricane Trump!”

Since the arrival of the US President at the White House, everyone is running behind him, trying to decipher the meaning, intent and the significance of his announcements that makes no distinction between his allies or opponents, leaving all confused with his decisions.

The moment Trump assumed his position in the While House, he signed off on a series of executive orders and commanded implementation of the orders. The orders were true to his electoral campaign promises that included construction of the wall on the US-Mexico border in the south, abolition of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and reconsideration of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico.

He openly declared the blocking of the entry of immigrants from seven Muslim countries (with the exception of refugees of other faiths who are persecuted for religious reasons in those states).

He is now reviewing the entire Obamacare, in reality the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for healthcare, and is seeking to force Mexico to pay for the barrier, estimated to cost billions of dollars, by charging 20 percent tax on all the goods imported to America. This is in addition to his intention to declare an explicit and extensive trade war with China.

Perhaps the first surprise and the “magnitude” of the hurricane’s impact that we are talking about is the shock that has hit America’s major and old allies in the European continent. European officials were quick enough to issue statements, one after the other, and “warning” of the “consequences” of these decisions, which will threaten “world peace” and therefore Europe must “strongly” contain it “to prevent a fallout.”

But does Donald Trump care about it? I absolutely do not think so. Some describe him as a political tiger and his actions are a kind of “bullying” of the political leaders while tearing nations apart rather than keeping them united.

But the man did not deceive anyone, nor did he lie to anyone. He did not make up words or made tall promises; he was explicit and remarkably frank in what he plans to do. He has never been one of those typical politicians who tend to blabber and not necessarily fulfill what was promised.

Today we are in front of a businessman who has nothing to do with politics. One of his aides told me recently that the principle of this man is that if he has made a “deal” with someone on any issue, he builds confidence in him. But if the deal is not implemented as agreed, Trump considers him as an opponent.

Therefore, one has to deal cautiously with this type of mentality, even apparently if there is a complete change in his policies compared to the strategies of Obama, particularly the Middle East policy — an area in which Obama was very weak and hesitant. Consequently the region had to pay the price for Obama’s inaction.

“Hurricane Trump” is still in the very preliminary stages of his rule; we have not seen much of it yet! But basic indicators have emerged; the man is not interested in any old style management or a traditional approach. He has got nothing to lose at all and wants to put a personal imprint on his presidency at all cost — with a combative style politically.

Fasten your seatbelt! We have a long way to go and the ride could be bumpy. Recently, I was discussing Donald Trump at my friend’s house with other guests. I did not find anything more amusing then when one of my friend’s sons asked a question to his father, “Is Donald Trump’s arrival an indication that the end of the world is near!”

This may sound strange, but certainly exciting days are ahead!

February 06, 2017