Letter from America

Letter from America

November 05, 2016
Samar Fatany
Samar Fatany

Samar Fatany

If you are in the USA these days you do not have to go to a movie or watch a comedy show for entertainment. The elections coverage on television will provide you with excitement, humor and drama. Both presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are providing R-rated entertainment by exchanging scandalous allegations against each other.

Demeaning language and degrading conduct toward women by Trump is upsetting many American women and could be an influence in tilting them toward Clinton on Election Day. They are also worried about the manner in which Trump is “playing the man card.” Clinton supporters bank on the cultural change that has taken place over the last decade which has resulted in women being more welcome in the fields of business, industry and politics.

Women lean toward Clinton because she focuses on family and child care. She addresses issues, such as equal pay and parental leave. They will vote for her because she is experienced in world affairs and because they believe that she will work to keep America safe.

On the other hand, Trump “adheres to a traditional perception of masculinity.” Even though the revelations of his lewd comments about women were grotesque and shocking and made even some top Republicans distance themselves from the campaign, and despite his racist language toward minorities, especially Muslims and Mexicans, many of his followers have not been dissuaded and remain ardent supporters.

They are convinced that his defiance will put America back on track. To them, he is the successful CEO who would provide better business opportunities and employment for the average American citizen who has suffered from the control of the rich and the mighty. In their desperation, many disgruntled Americans have put their faith in a man who epitomizes everything they hate about the system.

Those who like or dislike Clinton and Trump can be found in all parts of the political spectrum and there are no monolithic groups supporting either of them. Ultimately, many Americans remain indecisive because they feel that both candidates are terrible. Clinton because of her e-mail scandals is considered “crooked” and Trump because of his divisive language is thought to be “dangerous.”

Whatever the outcome on Tuesday, America will never be the same again. On a global level it will be a choice of war or peace.

Samar Fatany is a radio broadcaster and writer. She can be reached at samarfatany@hotmail.com

November 05, 2016