Kashmir B-Day observed in Consulate General

Kashmir B-Day observed in Consulate General

November 02, 2016
Kashmir B-Day observed in Consulate General
Kashmir B-Day observed in Consulate General

Syed Mussarat Khalil

By Syed Mussarat Khalil
Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — Kashmir “Black Day,” was observed in the premises of Consulate General of Pakistan here recently.

Consul General Shehryar Akbar Khan presided over the gathering. Consulate staff, members of Kashmir Committee Saudi Arabia. and a large number of Pakistani community members from all walks of life attended the seminar on Jammu and Kashmir.

Ghulam Nabi Butt, member Kashmir Committee, spoke to the audience and highlighted the sacrifices of the Kashmiri Freedom fighters for their cause.

He expressed solidarity and honored the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people who have laid down their lives for their right of self-determination and condemned the illegal occupation of Kashmir by India.

A documentary film was also screened on the struggle of the Kashmiri people and the atrocities being perpetrated by the occupying forces.

Sultan presented heart touching poem on “Wadi Kashmir”. Saeed Sarwar, head of chancery (HOC), readout the messages of president and prime minister of Pakistan regarding Kashmir Black Day.

Speaking on the occasion, Shehryar Akbar Khan said, “A new wave of Intifada has started in occupied Kashmir following the martyrdom of Muzaffar Wani.” The Consul General highlighted the human rights violation by the Indian forces and appealed to the world community to take notice of the atrocities. He said that 150 Kashmiri youth have been blinded and 700 others have been partially blinded by the Indian forces using pallet guns.

Masood Ahmed Puri, president Kashmir Committee, presented a resolution which was passed by the Committee in a meeting with Consul General a day earlier.

The seminar concluded with prayers from Qari Irshad-ul-Haq for martyrs of Quetta police training center, solidarity and prosperity of Pakistan and success of the valiant people of Kashmir in their struggle for right to self-determination.

Shoib Mubarak, vice consul, conducted the seminar.

November 02, 2016