No grace period for 2nd phase of telecom Saudization

No grace period for 2nd phase of telecom Saudization

August 30, 2016
Ministry of Labor and Social Development
Ministry of Labor and Social Development

By Mohammad Al-Enizi
Okaz/Saudi Gazette

DAMMAM — The Ministry of Labor and Social Development denied rumors that it will extend the grace period for implementing the second phase of the plan to replace all expat workers with Saudis in the telecom sector.
A source said the Ministry of Labor and Social Development will commence its second phase of the Saudization of the telecommunication sector on Friday.

“The second phase includes the Saudization of 100 percent of the telecommunication sector. The plan is to offer more jobs for Saudis in the field of mobile phone repair and sales,” said the source.

The source also said the ministry also encouraged Saudi men and women to open their own businesses in the sector.

“Twitter users have popularized the hashtag #saudizing_telecommunication_sector. Using the hashtag the users are demanding all obstacles facing Saudis from working in the sector to be removed. The sector was dominated by expatriates and there were seldom any Saudis working in mobile repair or mobile sales,” said the source.

The source also said the hashtag encourages more Saudis to contribute to the ministry’s Saudization plan.

The Human Resources Fund has launched a program to aid and support Saudis entering the telecommunication sector.

“The program gives financial aid to help Saudis open their own businesses in mobile sales and repair. The program also offers consultations and material support to facilitate the process of starting a business in the sector,” said the source.

August 30, 2016