Platini wages last fight against ban, verdict within 10 days

Platini wages last fight against ban, verdict within 10 days

April 30, 2016
UEFA's fallen chief Michel Platini leaves the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) after his appeal hearing against his six-year FIFA ban for ethics violations in Lausanne Friday. — AFP
UEFA's fallen chief Michel Platini leaves the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) after his appeal hearing against his six-year FIFA ban for ethics violations in Lausanne Friday. — AFP

LAUSANNE — Suspended UEFA president Michel Platini said he was more optimistic of having his six-year ban from soccer overturned after his appeal hearing at sport's highest tribunal Friday, with a decision due within 10 days.

However, the Frenchman, one of the finest players of his generation and also a former coach of his country's national side, said he recognized that his long, illustrious career in the game would be over if the decision went against him.

Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter, who like Platini has been banned for six years for ethics violations, was among the three people who gave evidence at the eight-hour hearing at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne.

CAS Secretary General Matthieu Reeb said a decision would be announced by May 9 "at the latest" by its panel of three judges.

"I am even more optimistic after (this hearing) because, sincerely the team that came, and you saw that we were numerous, was very good," Platini, who arrived and left in a taxi, told reporters outside CAS headquarters.

If Platini is absolved, he would be free to resume his duties as UEFA president and attend Euro 2016 in his native France in an official capacity in June and July.

"If I am president of UEFA, I will be at every game at Euro 2016," he said. But, referring to a possible defeat, he added: "I am going to go on holiday, wait and maybe I will be definitively on holiday, or retired."

He added: "Then, the story is over, absolutely, it's over. It's going to end here; my work as a president of UEFA and my work in soccer will be finished because it's a ban on working in any soccer-related activity."

Platini and Blatter were banished over a payment of two million Swiss francs ($2.08 million) made to the Frenchman by FIFA with Blatter's approval in 2011 for work done a decade earlier.

FIFA's ethics committee said the payment, made at a time when Blatter was seeking re-election, lacked transparency and presented conflicts of interest. Both men denied wrongdoing.

Platini, 60, said he told the hearing that "I worked, I issued a bill, I followed the FIFA directives, I received money and I paid my taxes. That's it."

Blatter's own appeal has yet to be heard and Reeb said that it could be influenced by the outcome of Platini's case.

"Normally, CAS panels would observe decisions rendered by other CAS panels, so if the decision in the Platini case is known and published, the new panel for Mr. Blatter should ... take it into account," he said.

UEFA, which holds its annual Congress in Budapest Tuesday, has said it will not elect a replacement for Platini until his case has been decided.

FIFA bans Bahamas' Havens for five years

In Zurich, FIFA's ethics watchdog Friday banned former Caribbean Football Union executive Lionel Haven from soccer for five years for failing to disclose information related to cash payments at a CFU event in 2011.

The adjudicatory chamber of world soccer body's independent Ethics Committee imposed the ban and fined Haven, from the Bahamas, 3,000 Swiss francs ($3,130), it said in a statement.

In an unusual move, it made the ban public without having contacted Haven, whom it said it was not able to reach at his last known postal address.

Enmeshed in the worst corruption scandal in its history, FIFA has been cracking down on wrongdoing. Over 40 individuals and entities, including many former FIFA officials, have been charged with graft-related offences in the United States.

April 30, 2016