Missile carrier destroyed near Saudi border

Missile carrier destroyed near Saudi border

December 07, 2015
Soldier loyal to Yemen's government stands atop a tank at an army position during fighting against Houthi rebels in an area between Yemen's northern provoices of al-Jawf and Marib
Soldier loyal to Yemen's government stands atop a tank at an army position during fighting against Houthi rebels in an area between Yemen's northern provoices of al-Jawf and Marib

Fatma Al Dubais

DUBAI — Saudi-led coalition has destroyed a Scud missile carrier near the Yemeni-Saudi border, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Sunday.

The carrier, belonging to Iran-backed Houthi militia and its ally deposed Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh forces, was destroyed by the coalition after studying their movements, the channel reported.

It said the carrier was heading toward Saudi border but did not specify where.

Meanwhile, Yemeni Popular Resistance forces and those loyal to the internationally recognized President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi made advances in Sirwah west of Maarib city after heavy clashes with the Houthi and Saleh militias.

Marib is located about 120 km east of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. — Al Arabiya News

December 07, 2015