
Your inner paradise

July 21, 2017

Self-esteem represents respect‪,‬ truthfulness‪‬ and gratitude to oneself‪.‬ This comes from appreciation of the pros and cons of oneself‪. Loving our flaws and our good points is also a part of self-esteem. Treasuring our mistakes, losses and failures and learning from them is another vital part of self- esteem, for all of them redirect to various gains. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Glorify your dreams and wishes by means of diligence and perseverance for your self-esteem. Walking away from what we don’t deserve revives our self-esteem. Also, self-esteem is when you are aware of the vibes around you and shield yourself if they are unpleasant.

You have self-esteem when you are able to harm in return for being harmed, but you choose patience instead. For patience is the weapon of the wise and resentment is a burden. Self-esteem is in the avoidance of negative criticism, as it leads nowhere. Moreover, self-esteem comes in believing that kindness is never wasted.

Self-esteem comes in prioritizing people in your life but not misleading them with selfishness. For instance, there are three categories of people: those who are close to you, those related to you in some way but who are not close, and acquaintances.

The people in the first category are the ones that are probably trusted and truthfully loving and grateful. The ones in the second category may not be trusted but are communicated with more than acquaintances. The ones in the third category are probably not trusted and are communicated with for a common purpose such as colleagueship.

Fairly acknowledge your worth and everyone’s worth to have no disappointments. All the aforementioned amount to emotional intelligence that comprises self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management and determines 58 percent of job or work performance as shown by a study.

In the end, each individual is a unique and distinct, and blessed with gifts and strengths.

Lama Al-Harbi‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

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